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Your Type On Paper

We all have a type, but which love island type suits you?

Are any of these 100% your type on paper?

The intelligent one:

Usually has a good job, previously been to uni and has good general knowledge. Usually a bit older, not great bants but normally knows what he wants. A little more serious.   


The player:

Has a wondering eye, always looking for next opportunity, never content, loves to be fancied by other girls and likes to be the main lad in the group.


The fit one:

Got the looks but also the nice personality. Likes keeping fit and keeping his look on point. Good to chat to for advice. Always a good shoulder to cry on, brining a smile to everyone’s face. 


The tattoo bad boy:

His body is a canvas, usually a great one. With this look always come trouble. Sometimes though these boys can surprise you. Be careful, they can also break your heart. 


The surfer:

Curly hair is a must. He most likely cares about his locks more than you. Usually quite a free spirit, emotionally deep and can be possessive. 


The one with bants:

This one is a grower. He’s all about the laughs, jokes and most likely mocking everyone around him. Always looking for the next practical joke opportunity whether it damages the relationship or not. You are in the firing line for his next prank. 


The young one:

Sometimes he can have a lot to learn but can surprise you and is a keen learner. Like a puppy he has a lot of energy to burn, so be ready to put him on a leash. 


All images sourced from, the guardian,, &

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Date Posted: Friday 7th June 2019

Author: Charlotte Sneddon

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